Starmer and his goons will obfuscate, deflect and lie rather than let the good sensible, reasonable, hard working people of this great country know the truth that they are owned by the Muslims that vote for them.
God bless the families of the 3 little girls and the other 10 that he tried to murder and damn the cowardly elite to hell.
There has always been crime, the mafia, gangs, etc., in the UK but violent crime has increased so so much because some of the immigrants who have come are from countries which are incompatible with western culture, or where law and order is chaotic or simply run by propaganda extremists and their insane culture which seems to travel around countries causing damage like an unstopable plague.
I am from the UK, my parents were born in the UK but my grandparents were immigrants from Europe who were fleeing their country of origin from Nazi extremist ideology. Here in Israel there are thousands of savages roaming around like the monster who was charged today for the senseless murders in Southport.
Hate of Jews has always been around but
this ideology has hit Britain with a vengence, the rats came out of the sewers of the UK after the 7th October massacre. These poisoness rats are one of the same that are here, and are intolerant of all who do not follow their sick agenda and dictating to their host country. These barbarians now also roam the streets of Britain looking for prey, Jews or otherwise. It seems strange that mass immigration from such lawless countries has been allowed to fester and grow as it is obvious from history that such radical ideas are not compatible with normal western culture. Again and again history repeats itself with its devastating consequences.
Why bother prosecuting them with all the cost that entails? Only to put them up in prison at taxpayers' expense? If they cannot speak English, they are here illegally (or a tourist). Simply deport them and ensure they can never re-enter the UK.
I remember being full of hell when Tony B Liar proposed ID cards. I now fully understand and accept that if it chooses to look, the government can know absolutely everything about you. In general it chooses not to unless prompted. Having that knowledge as to how joined up and connected the government now is, I would accept a “Citizen” card with the appropriate embedded security. On it could be my signed acceptance of the core values of the nation, there would be no opportunity allowed for objection.
No card equals no identity - no driving licence - no passport. If you still won’t have one and you are proven to be of this country, not having a card would be an “Absolute demeanour” for which there is no viable defence, you become a non-person.
If an illegal does not have a card (and they wouldn’t) then they would be ID’d eg facial, fingerprints and DNA, then put on a plane to be sent from whence they came.
This seems harsh but in no time at all, the arguments would settle down and the physical card would be as important as your phone and more so. Your phone plus the card could be a two-step verification.
This country needs people like me to bulldoze through policy and flatten a few mandarins along the way, soon enough I will submit my application to be considered for an MP alongside Nigel.
"immigration is the story of these islands"? More like conquest. That's how the Anglo-Saxons, the Vikings and the Normans arrived. And that's likely how the Celts arrived too, we just don't know the details.
If a child had concluded in an exam that the availability to buy a knife was the reason for this set of events resulting in tragedy, the child would have failed the exam for lack of ability to analyse facts and form sound judgements. This government hasn’t just failed an exam, it has failed Britain and failed in its duty to keep Britain safe.
Mark great work as usual.
Starmer and his goons will obfuscate, deflect and lie rather than let the good sensible, reasonable, hard working people of this great country know the truth that they are owned by the Muslims that vote for them.
God bless the families of the 3 little girls and the other 10 that he tried to murder and damn the cowardly elite to hell.
There has always been crime, the mafia, gangs, etc., in the UK but violent crime has increased so so much because some of the immigrants who have come are from countries which are incompatible with western culture, or where law and order is chaotic or simply run by propaganda extremists and their insane culture which seems to travel around countries causing damage like an unstopable plague.
I am from the UK, my parents were born in the UK but my grandparents were immigrants from Europe who were fleeing their country of origin from Nazi extremist ideology. Here in Israel there are thousands of savages roaming around like the monster who was charged today for the senseless murders in Southport.
Hate of Jews has always been around but
this ideology has hit Britain with a vengence, the rats came out of the sewers of the UK after the 7th October massacre. These poisoness rats are one of the same that are here, and are intolerant of all who do not follow their sick agenda and dictating to their host country. These barbarians now also roam the streets of Britain looking for prey, Jews or otherwise. It seems strange that mass immigration from such lawless countries has been allowed to fester and grow as it is obvious from history that such radical ideas are not compatible with normal western culture. Again and again history repeats itself with its devastating consequences.
Yes, the elites, did give away Britain.
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Why bother prosecuting them with all the cost that entails? Only to put them up in prison at taxpayers' expense? If they cannot speak English, they are here illegally (or a tourist). Simply deport them and ensure they can never re-enter the UK.
It's a WEF strategy to undermine & ultimately replace the nation state.
I remember being full of hell when Tony B Liar proposed ID cards. I now fully understand and accept that if it chooses to look, the government can know absolutely everything about you. In general it chooses not to unless prompted. Having that knowledge as to how joined up and connected the government now is, I would accept a “Citizen” card with the appropriate embedded security. On it could be my signed acceptance of the core values of the nation, there would be no opportunity allowed for objection.
No card equals no identity - no driving licence - no passport. If you still won’t have one and you are proven to be of this country, not having a card would be an “Absolute demeanour” for which there is no viable defence, you become a non-person.
If an illegal does not have a card (and they wouldn’t) then they would be ID’d eg facial, fingerprints and DNA, then put on a plane to be sent from whence they came.
This seems harsh but in no time at all, the arguments would settle down and the physical card would be as important as your phone and more so. Your phone plus the card could be a two-step verification.
This country needs people like me to bulldoze through policy and flatten a few mandarins along the way, soon enough I will submit my application to be considered for an MP alongside Nigel.
No they are not elites, they are Traitors and they are yet to find out that they don’t have a free pass.
"immigration is the story of these islands"? More like conquest. That's how the Anglo-Saxons, the Vikings and the Normans arrived. And that's likely how the Celts arrived too, we just don't know the details.
If a child had concluded in an exam that the availability to buy a knife was the reason for this set of events resulting in tragedy, the child would have failed the exam for lack of ability to analyse facts and form sound judgements. This government hasn’t just failed an exam, it has failed Britain and failed in its duty to keep Britain safe.